Friday, September 11, 2009

Let's Start At The Beginning...

It was a cold day in January... I was born. I flew to the end of the table and was yanked back by the umbilical cord. And THAT was the beginning of my adventure days.

Ok, now we will skip 19 years and 8 months ahead.

Christy, Dad, and I had a really fun time on our cross country drive from Florida, "the land of milk and honey", to Utah, the land of the greatest school in the history of the entire world as we know it. It seemed like a long time ago so I can't remember exactly the order of things... which is kind of embarrassing if I accidentally screw up the order of the states we visited. Anyway, we drove and drove till we got to Atlanta. Blah blah blah... Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois (I really should be looking at a map), Missouri. Ok, Missouri. This is where I will really begin.
So, turns out I really really like St. Louis. Who knew? Sure, I was only there for a few minutes, but it was the best few minutes of the day.

Ok, so then that night we spent the night in Independence, Missouri. It was the biggest coolest hotel room ever. Brand new carpet! (I could smell the sweet scent of newly done construction, it was great) That first night I just layed on the ground, spread eagle, then did some exercises because in "the days of the [exercises], were the days of [working out], and Kimmy was Queen of the worker outers!" (anyone know what that is from? haha)
So the next day we visited the visitors center at Independence, saw Liberty Jail, Far West, Adam-ondi-ahman, Winter Quarters, and that one tabernacle that I can't remember the name of right now but where Brigham Young was sustained as President of the Church, and then drove to South Dakota. LONG day, but it was awesome. I think my favorite part was Adam-0ndi-ahman. It was really fascinating to me. If you ask Christy and Dad, I just kept saying, "I have questions about this place, I just don't know what they are." and "I just don't understand." They would say what don't you understand? But I didn't even know what I didn't understand. I think it was just one of those experiences when you know that there is something bigger that you can't comprehend right now, no matter how hard you try. It was so cool there. I really didn't want to leave.

Winter Quarters was really cool too. There is a picture I took with the names of early saints who died and their ages. It really brought it home to know that those were actual people who died. Seeing the name and ages, a lot of them children, was really emotional and sad. But it made me grateful for the pioneers in a way I have never before felt. I was really glad we stopped there. I could go into so much more detail but there isn't room and I'm not sure you would continue to read... if you've even read this far.
The next day we saw Mt. Rushmore. That was pretty cool too. We went hiking and found a bunch of rocks dad wanted to bring home. We got really dirty but it was fun. Then we saw some buffalo, my favorite, and some other animal I can't remember. Elk maybe? Oh and this was the day dad made up the song about me and the chipmonk.... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Next day, we went on a hike. It was a pretty area and nice weather.
Over all it was really fun trip and I was sad to see it come to an end. It was a lot of driving but it wasn't terrible. Christy and Dad did a really great job planning it. I think it was a trip the three of us will never forget.

1 comment:

  1. ok one.... halloween isnt for two months. but when it does come you guys better do something sweet to dress up because i dont think they celebrate halloween here and i dont get to dress up, so you need to represent me in the states. secondly, you know why you coudnt think of the questions you had at Adam-ondi-ahman? because if you could think of them they would be wrong.... right? because with any eternal mystery stuff like that, if you think you've figured something out, its obviously wrong, because we arent able to think up the right stuff. hahaha. love you.
